About Us

Our Board

  • Bernie and Nan Dykhouse
  • John and Tracey McMahan
  • Ray and Gina Weaver
  • Tim House

Mission Statement

Cambodian Christian Children’s Outreach, Inc. (CCCO) is a non-profit charitable organization dedicated to establishing homes to protect and care for children in need, in Cambodia.

Vision Statement

Cambodian Christian Children’s Outreach, Inc.’s vision is to ensure the safety, health, and education of orphans and at-risk children by providing food and housing, Biblically-based education, healthcare, and English language instruction to those in need. CCCO envisions a generation of previously at-risk children who mature into Biblically trained adults able to impact future generations, for the Gospel of Christ.

Our mandate may be best expressed through the Scripture found in Psalm 82: 3-4. “Give justice to the poor and orphans; uphold the rights of the oppressed and the destitute. Rescue the poor and helpless; deliver them from the grasp of evil people” [NLT].